Saturday, 7 October 2017

Image result for do no harm

Title: Do No Harm

Author: Henry Marsh
Year: 2014
My Rating:  5/5 Stars

Synopsis: Absolute page turner giving a rare insight into the world of a neurosurgeon and the ailments that plague the brain

I loved this book, each chapter recounting various cases and events of Marsh's professional career.

Not only a fascinating insight into the brain, its fragility and various ailments but also a very honest and sobering portrayal of the inevitable successes and debilitating failures of such delicate surgery.

I couldn't put this book down, would recommend it profusely and bought the sequel 'Admissions' within minutes of finishing the last chapter!

Tide by Hugh Aldersey-Williams
Title: Tide

Author: Hugh Aldersey-Williams
Year: 2016

My Rating:  2/5 Stars

Synopsis: More fact and less fluff please

I was really excited to read this book as the tide is something I didn't really know that much about other than the moon is pretty important.

In all fairness, the synopsis does call out that this book is a combination of science, history and literature however as a reader looking for facts on the tidal world, I was left wanting more.

The book was peppered with interesting nuggets such as the variances in tidal heights across the world, how the moon creates a bulge in the sea and the fact that you can take a guided walk across the perilous Morecambe bay.  However overall it created more questions than it answered.  It highlighted the variance in tidal heights but didn't really explain what causes it, it teased me with strange phenomena such as the Maelstrom but left me questioning whether its more of a folklore.

I'm sure for some this book would be a delight, however as someone looking for an education on all there is to know about the tide, I wanted more fact.